Thursday, October 22, 2015

Mummy Tiwa: The Transition

In my Culture, calling a person by his/her first name can be very dicey. People here find it tad disrespectful especially where the person to be called is older in age or even status. It is our perception that calling a person by a first name shows some kind of over-familiarity. To play it safe therefore, people who try to show some respect would rather just say,   Brother, Sister, Aunty, Uncle, Mummy, Daddy or add it as a prefix to your name e.g. Aunty Wunmi which some still find offensive depending on your age! See how dicey it can be! Especially when you are not sure you are older or younger than the person you want to address!

Anyways, let’s talk about me! For Thirty-two years of my life, I have been addressed as Sister Seun or Aunty Wunmi by even four- year olds and I actually never considered it an issue. But my new name is really bursting my head! It Sounds like Wow, It sounds so amazing, so exciting, so elating, so surreal, so gooood!  I still can’t get over the transition!*Grinning!

It all changed in one day! The 18th day of May 2015, when I birth the most beautiful baby girl on planet earth*smiles! And on the 25th of May, she was christened ‘TIWAtope Michelle Adeniyi’! Thereafter, my named changed! All who felt I didn’t qualify to be called Aunty or Sister { I look  younger than my age} now feel free to qualify me with my daughter’s name, those who knew my age and felt it was just wrong to address me on a first name basis but initially had no choice have also made a switch!

It’s been five full months of Motherhood and I am grateful for this new season of my life. I have had to make many unsavoury or unpopular decisions in favour of my daughter, for instance, the decision to quit my job didn’t go down well with many but hey, the truth is : I’m definitely a proud mama who feels extremely privileged to be a full time mom with a super duper supportive husband and, of course, I am soo enjoying the privilege or right to be called: Mummy Tiwa! Heheehe!

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