Thursday, September 5, 2013

Is God Just?

I remember telling some Christian folks that I didn’t think God was Just. And of course, the reaction was in the negative…like common, ‘How can you say that’! ‘God is not a man that you should talk about like that’! ‘Stop analyzing God like a legal problem’! bla! bla! Was all the response I got. And of course, I became more convinced that God wasn’t fair…
Every day and Everywhere, I see injustice… I see the diligent toiling and the lazy merrrying, I see good people die and bad people live. I see innocent folks go to jail and the not so innocent roam the streets freely…  I see unassuming children suffer for what they know nothing about…birth defects, diseases, accident and death is the lot of many lovers of God. And I wonder where God is!
Even in the Bible, I see stories of injustice! What on earth did Job do to warrant  the insurmountable loss that befell him or why on earth should the laboures that came at the ninety-ninth point ninth minute earn the same wages as those that had toiled all day in Matthew 20?
And yet, the same God says: “He’ll have mercy on whom He’ll have mercy on(Exodus 33:19) meaning… “It’s up to me who I choose to be fair/merciful to” init? Oh Please! Don’t crucify me…I’m just thinking out loud. And lucky you if you’ve never had cause to think of God as not soo nice…Well, I’ve been so mad at God before…to an extent that I said to myself or rather to God, that I was just going to live my life as I would without a care about His feelings…..(Now, i know better...)
As I pondered and wondered about the justness of God, I found answers in no one….some were too ‘petrified’ of God to consider the topic talk less of analyzing it and perhaps, some felt I might first need to be delivered from demonic thoughts and then go through counseling before they would open the scriptures to me…
Unlike legal issues, which become clearer the more you research, theological issues just make me ask more questions. I had read scriptures like Hebrews 6: 10 in the New International Version of the Bible which is very explicit, yet I wasn’t satisfied.  Of Course, I also read Romans 9 and still, I wanted more… Since I was not getting answers from anyone or even the internet, I asked the Lord to give me answers himself. And yeah! I prayed. Indeed, I prayed.
Then one day, one ordinary day, a scripture came to my mind, a scripture I had read and prayed with many times over…..I felt like God brought his mouth close to my ear and said to me: My Mercy prevails over justice….Chai! I heard it so clearly…I knew I had even read that scripture recently and so I picked my bible and turned to James! Yes! James Chapter Two and Verse 13. The latter part read: Mercy prevails over judgment. And just as I tried to juxtapose what I heard with what I read, I became all the more convinced that there was no need to probe further…
Now, I know that it’s better that God deals with us Mercifully than Justly. It is indeed better for His Mercy to prevail over judgment. If not for his mercy, where would I be, where would you be? If God where to give us Justice according to the Law or like the Law, all the time, then we would all be damned!
Oh Lord, please forgive my Legal mind and be merciful to me! Please be merciful to the reader of this piece too! Amen.
