Hmm, I shall endeavour to make this short so I don't end up sounding unappreciative of mothers in this piece.
Let me first reinterate that I love my mum alot especially since i became a wife and mom,my love for her increases daily....and i really want to do all I can to make her later years sweet.
Yet still, I do think that d concept of motherhood is a tad overated... especially in this part of the world...
Not a day passes when i tune in to Africa Magic Yoruba that i wont watch an overindulged mom or motherinlaw exceeding boundaries...i see mothers slaping their chest saying i am your mother so you must do this or that..Grrrr....hellooooo... why should a mother feel entititiled to her child's wealth,income or home.... worse still mums who seemingly abandoned their 'mommyduties' in the earlier years also lay claim to their children's sucesses just because they birth the if the decision to birth a child is a selfless one...
In this part of the world, folks still have many children just so they have more 'care' options in the future and for many more selfish reasons!...oh common!..wake up people!
Should the parent/child relationship be trade by barter? As a matter of fact i do believe that it is mandatory for a parent to cater for a child and not necessarily the other way round! For goodness sake, it was your decision(oftentimes) to have a child! so you should take total responsibility and endure the possible pains and/or gains of raising a child...Am I saying that children shouldnt honour or take care of their parents ?No! I am just saying that it is healthier for you as a mother/ parent not to feel entitiled to it....If u manage to raise good children,they will do the needful fullstop!
If all mothers embrace motherhood as a 'privilege', as a 'trust',as a 'gift', as a 'grace' and not as a right or a rewarding job, perhaps we will have 'nicer' motheinlaws,daughters and sisters and of course a better world.....
Ps: Did I hear you say this is just a young momma's thoughts..*grin*....oh yes! let's see if it changes within the next 38 years...*wider grin*