God be Praised, I am a Mummy, a Full time Mummy, a Stay at Home Mum(SAHM)! I am so much of a Mummy that I try to remind myself always that I am first a wife to the most awesome husband in the Whole Wide World*grin*. So what do I do apart from changing diapers, feeding,playing with my baby and household chores???? I am always on the Internet! Don't know what I will do without my phone really! Google has been my surest companion! If I see a dot on my baby, I ask Google to confirm what it is! As Internet savy as I can be I still don't find all my baby questions answered especially naija baby questions! Perhaps I should start a typical naija baby blog because even Mamalette has plenty oyinbo things....
All that aside, I must say it's not so easy being a 24/7 mum, I do crave for breaks very much but my darling daughter wants her Mummy 24/7. Sometimes, I am frustrated, sometimes I am sick and sometimes I just want to be alone or do something else without my baby nearby, buh hey I am just stuck! I always console myself with #thistooshallsoonpass#.
Did I hear u say get a creche or nanny, my dear, if I do I would defeat the financial purpose of my being a SAHM.(There are varying purposes and reasons for being a SAHM)Honestly, I absolutely do not regret being a SAHM, Indeed, no one told me the road would be easy but I do know for sure that it's a worthy route. Are u wondering if you should join me on this route? There are a few things to consider, I would mention the top three considerations.1. What is God saying to you? do U think He's got your back? If He got your back, trust me you would feel so at peace with your decison irrespective of your circumstance or what the world thinks! .2. Your Husband..please forget it if you do not have an awesome husband who's with u on this route. 3. Your Personality/character/lifestyle...Today is not a day for emphasis or explanations but please and please, if u are not ready to make lifestyle adjustments, be submisve and conservative, just forget it. If Finance is not a consideration for choosing to be a SAHM, we might be operating on a different pedestral buh for me, my husband and I considered it cheaper to so do. Let me also add that the decision to being a full time mommy shouldn't be borne out of laziness because it's a lot of work especially without a nanny or daycare! Indeed, it is real work!
At the moment my world revolves round my baby and I am doing my best to enjoying it while it last. Soon she wouldn't want mommy around her all the time and I would bask myself in the memories of today... Cheers to all Mummies!