Saturday, December 31, 2011

And the year 2011 Ends...

The number 'Eleven'(11) looks pleasantly dangerous. Thus, most were unsure of what to expect...or were'nt you? The year rolled slowly and then suddenly, it rolled faster and faster and now the end has come!

For the World,there were more 'ups' than 'downs' for the fall of the world's mighty was a really big 'up' (Osama,Ghadaffi,Mubarack, Mugabe...)Also, when compared to the penultimate years,i believe there were fewer reported cases of natural disasters around the globe and this i must say is another big up, big enough to over-write the world's many 'downs'.

For Nigeria,I'm sure any Nigerian would say it's been more 'downs' than 'ups', not with moot issues like the irrational budget, fuel subsidy removal and Boko Haram. One can only wonder how Nigerians still go around the world with their heads up high!

And Omowunmi Aderoba? she wouldnt dare count any 'downs' as there is no gainsaying that 2011 has been dangerously pleasant for her:Call to the Nigerian Bar, Call to serve the nation,good health, good jobs and a special man are a few of her many blessings! And even as the year ends, she is sure to expect greater things in 2012!
Goodbye 2011 and welcome 2012!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

He chose me

Back in the University of Lagos, I was at the frontline of activities in the Christian Law Students Fellowship(CLASFON); two term prayer secretary, one time Vice- President, committee head and even as a member, I was a member indeed.
So involved was I that my parents became against it, especially when my grades fell. Consequently, I decided to ‘pipe low’ in the law school but alas just when I thought I had it under control, I was given an assignment in CLASFON. By then, I had chosen Chapel of Hope as my place of worship and unfortunately, I had been co-opted into the Student’s Representative Council (SRC).
Did I have a choice? Oh Yes I did! I could have left one church for the other, but I was unsure about which to leave, so I asked God to help me make a choice. I prayed and waited but got no specific instructions. So I went on with both, hoping that I would get a sign somehow. Perhaps, something would annoy me in one of the churches and I would have an excuse to just leave. Time passed, and nothing seemed a sufficient excuse, so I carried on.
The examination term came and just when I thought I had the perfect excuse, God spoke to me through His word in Hebrew 6:11-12. ‘Chai! This kain God’, I thought; and while I was still thinking, He said to me: You did not Choose me but I Chose you...John15:16.
Certainly, when God chooses you, you can’t hide, you can’t run, and you can’t ‘pipe low’. Like Jonah in the Bible, if you run, He’ll catch you, if you hide, He’ll find you, and when you try to pipe low, he’ll blow your trumpet because He CHOSE YOU!
Some say to me, ‘Na everyday you dey go church?’, others wonder where I get the strength and a number are waiting to see my end...For me, I’m neither wondering nor waiting...rather, I’m assured of His grace more than ever before. The one who did the choosing and has done the keeping would do the finishing...
Now to Him who made my stay in Agbani worthwhile, To Him who has preserved me and blessed me with good people, and To Him who chose me for a time as this and for a place as this...To Him be all the Glory for ever. AMEN.
(published in CH-NLS year book)

Friday, January 21, 2011


One, two, three... thirty one people slept in this house today! Aside the dogs, parrots, tortoise, geckos and insects of course!
Yes! That’s what Christmas is about for me; MY FAMILY. It’s a time for all of us to get together and be together! It’s a time for us to be family! All through the year, work, school and varying itinerary won’t just let us be! But at Christmas, we actually become family...
It’s a season where we get to play, pray and study the word together. It’s a season where I get to eat less because I cook more, it’s a season where I yell all the more(guess that’s typical of a choleric (Cholmel actually) firstborn...) It’s a season when I get to leave my bed to sleep on the floor or couch. And for my parents, it’s a season when they certainly spend more! In all, it’s a season of LOVE and SACRIFICE. Actually, that’s what the birth of Jesus is about, that’s what Christmas is about.
Some say Christmas is not what it used to be and true, they just might be right; considering the dwindling economy and polity and even the general decadence in moral socio-cultural/ traditional values: a world where people and governments no longer value the ‘concept’ of Christmas.
Indeed, for me, all these and more are variables. Through the years and through it all, MY FAMILY has remained a constant at the yuletide; we come together and share what we have: the joy of living together in love, the joy of Christmas.
Although I fear for a time when either I or any of my siblings’ would get married and our spouse or new family life would not permit our yuletide gathering. Still, I’m enjoying it while it lasts and I can only pray that we would always remain family in and out of season!
Seasons Greetings to ma famile! And to my friends, especially you reading this; Felix Navidad et/ou Bon annee!