Friday, December 17, 2010

Butterfly love2

Like walking down the stairs, missing a step and falling down, falling in love is not deliberate; it just happens! And before you know it, you’re rolling over! Been there before? You meet this person and jack! You’re in love! Perhaps, for you it was love at first sight, second sight or even fifteenth! Butterflies flapping, Hormones pumping, Heart racing, Brain waving, and even Body vibrations are all consequences of this fall; I mean, ‘the fall into love’.
Like all other accidents, where injuries are sustained, injuries can also be sustained when one falls in love and so we must be careful for the injuries are internal and difficult to treat. In fact, no pharmacist, doctor or psychiatrist can treat it except YOU. You’ll need to pause, think, decide and reposition yourself to take proper action and trust me, it’s a herculean task!
In my opinion, It’s okay to ‘fall in love’ but when you fall, quickly, you must get up and ‘be in love’; I mean you have to be deliberate (and not accidental) about it. You have to DECIDE; and that’s when you begin to ‘be in love’! That’s when you love truly...
It’s beautiful to ‘be in love’ and very heavenly when you decide to love. We all have the power to decide how, why and who we want to love (It could be everybody).
True love isn’t just feelings; it’s a decision sustainable by commitment.
Remain in His love,