Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Adisa Kowe was born into a Christian home; From the time he was in the womb, he leaped when his mother read scriptures, by the time he was 16, he had read the bible 6 times; immediately he got into the university, he joined a fellowship where he taught others the bible. But a time came when he thought to himself: ‘I’m tired of this routine; of what use is all this...’
Maggie Dawadawa gave her life to Christ in 2002 at a crusade where God healed her of cancer. She joined a local church immediately where she joined the choir and soon gained popularity for her sonorous voice. At a point, happenings in the church began to disgust her and she left the church for another. As she was about to join the choir in the new church, she found that the music director there was her ex-boyfriend’s fiancĂ©e and she left...
Professor Tamedo was a deacon until his wife died of a mysterious illness, Everyone knew Mrs. Tamedo, a very lovely woman who loved God, she had been taken from Church to church, crusade to crusade and yet she died...Prof. wasn’t just pained, he convinced himself that God didn’t exist and even wrote his thesis on it...
As for Randy Rawlings, he had given his life to Christ a million times and taken it back a million times. For him, it was like, the more he gave his life and tried to live a good life the more he stole and got drunk and did all the things he wanted to stop. What’s the point anyway? He thought...
And you? Perhaps, you are not like Randy, Prof, Maggie or Adisa, you’re still in the church, you don’t really have any vice and like Martha (Luke10: 40-42), you are so entangled in your work for him that you’ve neglected your walk with Him...
Whatever case is yours, He wants you back, He’s hurt that you left and he’s longing for a real relationship with you but it’s up to you to let him in (Revelations3:20). It’s not about Church, it’s about Christ. Stop sitting on the fence, make a choice! And the truth, it’s safer to choose Jesus...
Return to Him! And do so today for tomorrow might just be to late...what if you die tomorrow? Return today dear friend, Return to Him.

A Time to Learn

I was in the hospital when my final year 1st semester result came out. My classmates bombarded the hospital in groups as it was their custom after lecture hours. But on this day, I couldn’t help but notice the morose faces. When my favorite group came in, I noticed one had just finished crying...I asked but she said nothing. I found later that they had been crying for me! Amongst ‘us’, I was the only one to have an extra year! I failed! They didn’t know how to tell me, so they told my sister and my father! My entire family felt terrible about it especially because some of my younger ones had graduated already. I was yet battling with the demise of my 7yr old ‘model’ relationship and then this! And to top it all, my relationship with God was on the decline.
Getting the hint was disheartening. I was devastated; even though I knew I didn’t write the exam well, I believed God to just pass... I had publicly disappointed everyone that was looking up to me. Thankfully, my friends and family were supportive. Everyone became even nicer than usually, and me, as each day passed on my sick bed, I hoped to die...
Your story today may even be worse and it seems like you are never going to pull through but guess what, you will...The year after that year was one of the best, I learnt humility and forgiveness, I learnt to teach, to care and to love and most all, I learned to worship...it was a gracious year and God really smiled on me.
Friends, there is always something to learn from the things you suffer, something that qualifies you for the next phase...Even Jesus, learned Obedience from the things He suffered and through that, God qualified Him as the perfect high priest. (See Hebrews 5:8) There’s definitely light at the end of the tunnel, so even in the dark moments, think of the light you’ll see when the end comes. (Please meditate on Hebrews2:18, 10:36, 12:2 and Romans8:18).
Hang on buddy! You’re too blessed to be stressed.